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Travel to France with the Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir in 2024

​Have you always wanted to visit France but have been waiting for the right moment? Did you visit Paris many years ago as a child or teenager and those memories are quickly becoming harder to remember? Have you always wanted to see the south of France and Paris, while enjoying amazing choral music in some of the great cathedrals of France? Now is your chance!

​The Chancel Choir of the Presbyterian Church in Morristown (PCM) will be taking a performing tour of France May 24-June 2, 2024. If you’d like to join the choir for this trip as a singer, you are more than welcome! The choir will be joined by community friends and students from Drew University to perform the Durufle Requiem and other concert pieces, conducted by Sarah Michal (PCM’s Interim Director of Music and Director of Choirs at Drew University).

If you’d like to tag along on this trip and make wonderful memories as an audience member, we would love for you to join us! Take a moment to look over the trip prospectus, and if you are convinced, fill out the registration form and drop off your deposit to the church office.

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