
Volunteer Spotlight: Alexandra Mead

We are thrilled that our very own Director of Christian Education, Alexandra Mead, was recently honored by the Junior League of Morristown with the Sustaining Star Award! This award is given to an individual who consistently demonstrates continued leadership in the community.

Alexandra is an active member of The Garden Club of Morristown and served on the Board of Directors of Cornerstone for seven years. During that time, she served on the Development and Gala Committees, chairing the Gala Committee three times and raising almost $200K each time! She also was on the planning committee of this year’s Homeless Solutions Dreambuilder’s Bash.

In her role at the Presbyterian Church in Morristown, she goes above and beyond her role and works with numerous non-profit organizations, helping many underserved communities. Alexandra selflessly impacts impacts her community for the better in all of these ways and many more!

  • Speech of Lisa Pierson Boles, President Emeritus, Junior League of Morristown

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