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Children Update

Worship and Childcare Options Beginning Sunday, October 29

Hello PCM families –

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to make sure you were aware of some changes we are making to Sunday morning, beginning this Sunday, October 29:

  • Worship | 8:00 – 8:40 am | The Chapel | All Ages – This service is shorter than our 10:00 am service, but just as powerful. Families and children are invited to take Communion every Sunday.
  • Sunday School | 8:45 – 9:45 am | Howard House | Ages 2 years to 5th Grade – Each week we submerge into our faith journey through community, teaching, and discussion. We strive to ensure our lessons are relevant, meaningful, and provide a way to connect children to the Word of God.
  • Worship and Childcare | 10:00 – 11:00 am | Sanctuary – All Ages – This service will continue to inspire and uplift the hearts of our congregation. During this time, we are pleased to provide childcare for infants and toddlers in the Chapel, ensuring that parents can participate in the service without worry. Additionally, we will offer quiet activities for children up to 2nd Grade in the Chapel, so they can engage in age-appropriate, faith-based activities.
  • Children’s Church – Due to lack of participation, Children’s Church is paused for the time being.

As always, we encourage parents to bring children of all ages to participate in worship. We cherish our Time with Young Christians and love seeing happy faces in the pews and look forward to seeing you and your family on Sunday.

If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Many blessings,

Alexandra Mead

Director of Christian Education

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