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Summer Worship Services Move to South Street Hall on July 2

To help us beat the summer heat, both the 8:00 am and 10:00 am worship services will be held in South Street Hall (Parish House – 65 South Street in Morristown) beginning Sunday, July 2 through Sunday, September 3.

A basic livestream will still be available for the 10:00 am service.

On Sunday, September 10, worship returns to Church on the Green. Join us for our Fall Kick Off!

Summer Worship Schedule:

July 2
8:00 amParish House
10:00 amParish House/OnlineThe Gospel According to
Mister Rogers
July 9
8:00 amParish House
10:00 amThe Gospel According to
Lion & Marvin Gaye
July 16
8:00 amParish House
10:00 amParish House/OnlineThe Gospel According to
Ted Lasso
July 23
8:00 am 8:00 am Service Cancelled
10:30 amMorristown United Methodist
Church / Online
Summer Community Worship
July 30
8:00 amParish House
10:00 amParish House/OnlineThe Gospel According to
Algiers, America & Peanuts
Aug 6
8:00 amParish House
10:00 amParish House/OnlineThe Gospel According to
Mary Oliver & John Denver
Aug 13
8:00 amParish House
10:00 amParish House/OnlineThe Gospel According to
Maya Angelou & Dolly Parton
Aug 20
8:00 amParish House
10:00 amParish House/OnlineThe Gospel According to
The Beatles
Aug 27
8:00 amParish House
10:00 amParish House/OnlineThe Gospel According to
Armand Gamache
Sep 3
8:00 amParish House
10:00 amParish House/OnlineThe Gospel According to
Forrest Gump & A Man Called Otto

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