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2025 giving campaign

Our Service Begins

Each Sunday at the close of our time together we say, Our worship ends, but our service begins…” It’s meant to indicate that each week represents a new opportunity to live out our faith in the world:


Worship is about showing our love for God.

Service is about showing our love for our neighbors.


Both are vitally important to our life at PCM.


November 24

Please bring your commitment card to worship, mail it to the Parish House (65 South Street, Morristown, NJ 07960), or make your commitment online below by Sunday, November 24.

2025 giving campaign

unsure how much
to pledge?

Use this chart to consider your weekly giving in 2025, based on your income. Then prayerfully complete your commitment card and bring to worship on November 24.

join us for an open house

November 17

On behalf of the Session, please join us for a special Open House and appreciation dinner at the Manse (4:00 – 8:00 pm), as we express our gratitude for your generosity.

We are looking forward to spending time together and celebrating what’s to come!

With joy,

Daniel Vigilante and James Collins

2025 Annual
Giving Campaign

Pledge Form