
Global Outreach

Creating an impact around the world

The Presbyterian Church in Morristown supports the nonprofit organizations listed below that provide food, shelter, clothing, education, counseling, and medical attention to those in need nationally and around the world.
Foundation for Peace

PCM partners with FFP in international missions, working together with people in the impoverished areas of the Dominican Republic and Kenya. FFP provides educational support, healthcare access, economic opportunity, and hope. Each year, FFP leads inter-generational mission trips to all three countries, helping to build schools and churches, clean water systems and clinics and to provide disaster assistance.

Outreach Committee Contact:  Julie Hess

Presbyterian Church (USA) Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA)
PDA enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian USA to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic event. PDA is the emergency help and refugee support program of the Presbyterian Church USA. PCM members donated to aid victims of the war in Ukraine and the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria through PDA.

Outreach Committee Contact:  Julie Hess

Risingville Intercommunity Service Effort (RISE)

RISE is a program of outreach and experiential learning for church youth groups. Teams of high school youth and adult leaders repair homes of residents in Appalachia (New York) who, because of financial or physical reasons, are unable to maintain their homes. During the evening, programs conducted by the RISE staff link the daytime work experience to scripture and the lives of RISE volunteers. Members of our PCM high school youth and adult leaders serve with RISE each year during the summer.

Outreach Committee Contact: Mary Albright

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