
Music and Arts

Music and the arts

Enriching our community of faith through an inclusive music and arts program.

Music and Arts News

A Message from Jacob Dear friends, To those of you I’ve met and to those of you I haven’t had the pleasure, thank you so …

Dear PCM Family Greetings from Kansas City – where the program staff at PCM is attending the Leadership Institute, sponsored by the United Methodist Church …

After a brief but very intense search, the DMM Search Committee seeking a new Director of Music Ministries is pleased to introduce Jacob Montgomery, who will be joining us in September!

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Austin Organ

The Austin organ at The Presbyterian Church in Morristown was originally built in 1960 as a three manual, 50-rank instrument. The organ was typical of the period: neo-classic scheme, small scales, light foundations. The entire instrument was installed at one level behind a magnificent 19th century case similar to the Mormon Tabernacle. The Austin organ went through significant tonal modifications in 1996 when refurbished from its original construction.


This morning, it came to our attention that a hard copy of PCM’s directory fell into the hands of someone who should not have access to it. That individual has been using this hard copy of the directory to send text messages and emails, impersonating Pastor Daniel, to PCM members. When people have responded, the sender then asks for gift cards to places like Apple and eBay, saying that they are for women and children in the hospital. IT IS A SCAM. PLEASE BE VIGILANT if you receive any message from a phone number or email address that’s not in your personal contact list.