Easter Remembrances

The Sanctuary is decorated on Easter Sunday with flowering plants purchased from memorial donations designated for loved ones…

Everyone Is Welcome Here. Really. Everyone.

A Message from Daniel Hope you’re all healthy and well during this season when so many among us seem to be coming down with the cold, flu, covid, and other nasty bugs. If you’ve been sick – or staying in from the chilly weather – please know that we miss you and look forward to […]

Let’s Connect! Coffee, Queso, and Community at PCM

A Message from Amanda To my fellow justice-doers, kindness-lovers, and humble-walkers, I can’t thank you all enough for the warm and enthusiastic response to my recent transition to Director of Community Engagement here at PCM! I have been met with smiles, hugs, laughter, ideas, you name it! I am so excited to continue my work […]

Explore the New Graveyard Search Tool on PCM’s Website

Using new pages on PCM’s website, you may now learn about our forebears from the 1700’s to the present who are buried in PCM’s graveyard, located behind the Church on the Green.  Browse or search alphabetical listings of people buried in PCM’s historic graveyard or contemporary Memorial Garden, including more than 137 who served in the […]

Could You (Or Someone You Know) Use FREE Tax Preparation?

The VITA tax program is open now on Monday nights, Tuesday afternoons, and Thursday mornings in our Chapel. Families and individuals with income under $84,000 are eligible. The program is sponsored by United Way and is staffed with IRS certified volunteers.

How Can We Be the Church?

A Message from Audrey I have a story. When I was a young freshman in high school, my church decided it would be fun to have all the high schoolers choose a Sunday to usher. We were trained to greet, usher, and collect the offering. It was so fun to do and I felt honored […]

What Is Sacred Space?

A Message from Daniel Dear PCM Family, Just this morning, I finished writing the script for Sacred Space… and I’m so excited we are bringing this experience to PCM for another year! Sacred Space is a one-hour, interactive, meditative prayer walk along a contemporary labyrinth. Think: one part museum tour; one part stations of the […]

Diversity Coalition Sponsors Interfaith Event Focused on Finding Peace

On November 17, the Diversity Coalition of Morris County sponsored a remarkable interfaith event hosted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The theme of the event, “Finding Peace Personally and in the Community,” aimed to foster harmony and understanding among different faiths, bringing together diverse religious communities in a spirit of unity and mutual respect.

A Special Celebration of All Hallows Eve

A Message from Jacob Dear friends, To those of you I’ve met and to those of you I haven’t had the pleasure, thank you so much for welcoming me into your beautiful church family to serve as your Director of Music Ministries here at PCM! Your expressions of kindness, enthusiasm, and passion for ministry are […]