Everyone Is Welcome Here. Really. Everyone.

A Message from Daniel Hope you’re all healthy and well during this season when so many among us seem to be coming down with the cold, flu, covid, and other nasty bugs. If you’ve been sick – or staying in from the chilly weather – please know that we miss you and look forward to […]

Let’s Connect! Coffee, Queso, and Community at PCM

A Message from Amanda To my fellow justice-doers, kindness-lovers, and humble-walkers, I can’t thank you all enough for the warm and enthusiastic response to my recent transition to Director of Community Engagement here at PCM! I have been met with smiles, hugs, laughter, ideas, you name it! I am so excited to continue my work […]

Could You (Or Someone You Know) Use FREE Tax Preparation?

The VITA tax program is open now on Monday nights, Tuesday afternoons, and Thursday mornings in our Chapel. Families and individuals with income under $84,000 are eligible. The program is sponsored by United Way and is staffed with IRS certified volunteers.

How to Help: Southern California Wildfires

The on-going wildfires and resulting humanitarian crisis for those in the entire Los Angeles area have us, once again, asking our community to reach out with compassion.

A Prayer for the Los Angeles Wildfires

A Message from Audrey Dear friends, This week during worship, we will be considering the second installment of our Worship + 2 sermon series. As we choose to deepen our faith life together, we select worship plus one area to breathe in and deepen our spirituality and one area to serve (equaling two!) This week, we will dive into breathing in and […]

2024 Christmas Eve Offering

This Christmas Eve, let’s share the spirit of giving in a truly meaningful way. We are thrilled to announce that 100% of the donations received during our 4:00 and 8:00 pm Christmas Eve services will go directly to support Jan’s Closet, PCM’s free community clothing bank serving our local community. Jan’s Closet provides an assortment […]

Diversity Coalition Sponsors Interfaith Event Focused on Finding Peace

On November 17, the Diversity Coalition of Morris County sponsored a remarkable interfaith event hosted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The theme of the event, “Finding Peace Personally and in the Community,” aimed to foster harmony and understanding among different faiths, bringing together diverse religious communities in a spirit of unity and mutual respect.

Who Is Our Neighbor?

Before and after worship we invite you to stop by the table in the narthex to write a description of just who qualifies as a neighbor. We are writing these descriptive words on translucent paper and posting them on the partition between the sanctuary and the narthex.

Why First Impressions Matter

If you have the gift of hospitality and a willingness to serve, we’d be so grateful to have you join our Welcome Team.