Celebrating Pride Month at PCM

Love knows no boundaries, and everyone deserves to be celebrated and embraced for exactly who they are. Learn what pride means to our PCM family.

Volunteer Spotlight: Alexandra Mead

We are thrilled that our very own Director of Christian Education, Alexandra Mead, was recently honored by the Junior League of Morristown with the Sustaining Star Award!

Visions of Paradise Art Show: Call for Submissions

We are excited to announce our second art gallery show at PCM!  Whether you work in the mediums of paint, pen, pencil, photography, textile, or sculpture, we would be delighted for you to submit! 

“The Gospel According To” Series Kicks Off On July 2!

This summer, we are planning a sermon series called The Gospel According to _____. The idea is to fill in that blank with a different subject each week. It could be a singer, author, artist, movie, TV show, abstract concept, or any other creative possibility you can think of!

June 1: Community-Wide Witness for Love

The Morristown Community is having a gathering for prayer and witness Thursday evening, June 1, at Church of the Redeemer at 7:00 pm. All are welcome to attend this special event.