Sew and So: Crafters Unlimited
What’s in your bag, basket, bin, or box? … new or unfinished beading, crocheting, knitting, needlework, quilting, other sewing projects, scrapbooking, sketching?
Our new group may be just what you need to kick start your creative genius (again)! Catch up on your peyote or seed beads; slip, cross or blanket stitching, hemming a garment or sewing on buttons, … or any other kind of stitching or handiwork you enjoy.
Bring your project(s) and join us at the Parish House on Thursday, April 3, from 1:30 – 3:00 pm, for a time of fellowship and crafting in the Parish House Library.
Please contact Sue Woodruff by filling out the form below to indicate your interest.