
Devotional Series

Welcome to this Advent season, a time to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christ’s birth and the promise of His return. Over the next four weeks, we will journey through the timeless themes of Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love—gifts that Christ offers to a world in need.

Each week, we will reflect on Scripture, meditate on God’s promises, and consider how these gifts shape our lives and relationships. May this season draw you closer to the light of Christ, filling your heart with expectant hope, abiding peace, unshakable joy, and boundless love.

Let us prepare Him room.

Lent 2025 Daily Devotionals

Advent 2024

What does hope look like when everything around us seems to be crashing down?  As many psychologists have written about, we often confuse hope with optimism...

During Advent, a season of preparation, it is so easy to become completely overwhelmed by just that – preparations! The hustle and bustle of...

When asked where I have witnessed a sense of joy at PCM.  My answer is truly, everywhere we gather with our children and youth...

I see love. A child runs down the aisle and leaps into the arms of a pastor...

There’s a chance you’re reading this on Christmas Day. If so, Merry Christmas to you, dear friend...

Past Series

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