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The Latest from PCM

A Message from Daniel Dear PCM Family, In a sermon a few weeks back, I mentioned a meaningful conversation that took place

PCM Service of Worship for 03-23-2025 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 03-16-2025 led by Rev. Audrey Webber

This Lent, we’re exploring some of the treasures of our faith, and one of those treasures which we are especially exploring on Wednesdays here at the Parish House is the Bible itself.

PCM Service of Worship for 03-09-2025 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Ash Wednesday Service of Worship for 03-05-2025 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Tower Tidings: Lent 2025

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

PCM Service of Worship for 03-02-2025 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Easter Remembrances

The Sanctuary is decorated on Easter Sunday with flowering plants purchased from memorial donations designated for loved ones...

A Message from Daniel Hope you’re all healthy and well during this season when so many among us seem to be coming

A Message from Amanda To my fellow justice-doers, kindness-lovers, and humble-walkers, I can’t thank you all enough for the warm and enthusiastic

Youth Ministry Director

The Presbyterian Church in Morristown is seeking a Youth Ministry Director to provide support and leadership alongside our youth and their families. Apply today!

PCM Service of Worship for 02-23-2025 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Using new pages on PCM’s website, you may now learn about our forebears from the 1700’s to the present who are buried

The VITA tax program is open now on Monday nights, Tuesday afternoons, and Thursday mornings in our Chapel. Families and individuals with income under $84,000 are eligible. The program is sponsored by United Way and is staffed with IRS certified volunteers.

PCM Service of Worship for 02-16-2025 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

A Special Invitation from Alexandra Mark your calendars, because on February 28 the chili will be HOT, the people will be FUN,

Subscribe today to receive these daily devotionals in your inbox throughout Lent. Let’s walk this sacred season together, remembering the ways God has been faithful—both in our lives and in our church.

PCM Service of Worship for 02-09-2025 led by Rev. Audrey Webber

How Can We Be the Church?

A Message from Audrey I have a story. When I was a young freshman in high school, my church decided it would

PCM Service of Worship for 02-02-2025 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Annual Congregational Meeting

It happens every year - but this Sunday’s Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be a bit different than in years past, in two key ways…

We are excited to invite you to participate in the important process of nominating individuals who will serve on our Session of Elders or as Deacons.

Samaritans have been serving members of our church for twenty-eight years. Our strength is in our numbers, and it is rare that we have been unable to fill a request.

Now's the time to sign up for the fall semester of Potluck Presbyterians! We gather in each other’s homes to rekindle old friendships and make new ones once a month over the course the semester.

PCM Service of Worship for 01-26-2025 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

What Is Sacred Space?

A Message from Daniel Dear PCM Family, Just this morning, I finished writing the script for Sacred Space… and I’m so excited

Sign Up to Serve

Thanks for considering how you can impact PCM and our greater community! Please click here to download our service opportunities booklet. Then,

The on-going wildfires and resulting humanitarian crisis for those in the entire Los Angeles area have us, once again, asking our community to reach out with compassion.

PCM Service of Worship for 01-19-2025 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

The PCM Safety Ministry Team would like to remind you of one of the security measures in place to better assure the safety of our church community.

PCM Service of Worship for 01-12-2025 led by Rev. Audrey Webber

A Message from Audrey Dear friends, This week during worship, we will be considering the second installment of our Worship + 2

PCM Service of Worship for 01-05-2025 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

The Magi followed the star to find baby Jesus. We are also looking for Jesus, and hoping for God to give us signs...

We’re looking for volunteers to host Fellowship Hour after our 10:00 am worship service on Sundays! This is a wonderful opportunity to

Happy New Year PCM Family!

Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you rested and refreshed after the busy rush of the holiday season. Here are some updates about the exciting things coming up at PCM!

PCM Service of Worship for 12-29-2024 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM 2024 Christmas Eve Children's Pageant

PCM 2024 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Christmas Day

There’s a chance you’re reading this on Christmas Day. If so, Merry Christmas to you, dear friend...

PCM Service of Worship for 12-22-2024 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

I see love. A child runs down the aisle and leaps into the arms of a pastor...

PCM Service of Worship for 12-08-2024 led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

2024 Christmas Eve Offering

This Christmas Eve, let’s share the spirit of giving in a truly meaningful way. We are thrilled to announce that 100% of

The Third Sunday of Advent: Joy

When asked where I have witnessed a sense of joy at PCM.  My answer is truly, everywhere we gather with our children and youth...

PCM Service of Worship for 12-08-2024 featuring Antonio Vivaldi's "Gloria"

On November 17, the Diversity Coalition of Morris County sponsored a remarkable interfaith event hosted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The theme of the event, "Finding Peace Personally and in the Community," aimed to foster harmony and understanding among different faiths, bringing together diverse religious communities in a spirit of unity and mutual respect.

Hymns of Thanksgiving

Hymns of Thanksgiving

General Assembly 226: A Time Like No Other

During Advent, a season of preparation, it is so easy to become completely overwhelmed by just that – preparations! The hustle and bustle of...

What does hope look like when everything around us seems to be crashing down?  As many psychologists have written about, we often confuse hope with optimism...

PCM Service of Worship for 12-01-2024, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

Tower Tidings: Advent 2024

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

PCM Service of Worship for 11-24-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 11-17-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 11-10-2024, led by Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia

All Shall Be Well

In these days following the election, I find myself searching for the reassurance of truer words - both for the benefit of those who are struggling with the outcome - and for those who may be pleased, as well.

PCM Service of Worship for 11-03-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Religion and Conflict Resolution - Part 2

PCM Service of Worship for 10-27-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

A Message from Jacob Dear friends, To those of you I’ve met and to those of you I haven’t had the pleasure,

You may have received a mandatory text to comply with new compliance laws that went into effect. Recipients must opt-in first before receiving messages from the Presbyterian Church in Morristown moving forward.

Religion and Conflict Resolution - Part 1

PCM Service of Worship for 10-20-2024, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

Welcoming New Members at PCM!

This past Sunday, we did that very thing by welcoming our new members into the PCM family! If you haven’t done so already, I invite you to introduce yourself, send a note, or call our newest members. We are so blessed that they have chosen us to be their church family.

Every year, Preschool Advantage honors a partner school and last night the Presbyterian Church Nursery School was highlighted and honored. 

PCM Service of Worship for 10-13-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Who Is Our Neighbor?

Before and after worship we invite you to stop by the table in the narthex to write a description of just who qualifies as a neighbor. We are writing these descriptive words on translucent paper and posting them on the partition between the sanctuary and the narthex.

As you are reading this appeal, a second devastating hurricane (Milton) will have struck Florida, dealing a blow to survivors who were cleaning up after Hurricane Helene. Learn how to help.

PCM Service of Worship for 10-06-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Dear PCM Family, This Sunday we’re launching a new worship series that will carry us through the first week in November. Together,

PCM Service of Worship for 09-29-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Greetings from Kansas City!

Dear PCM Family Greetings from Kansas City – where the program staff at PCM is attending the Leadership Institute, sponsored by the

PCM Service of Worship for 09-22-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 09-15-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM’s Love Your Neighbor initiative has a vision of modeling kindness, working toward inclusive community, and undoing polarization.

Fall Kickoff Photos!

See the photos from PCM's 2024 Fall Kickoff Church Picnic and Celebration!

PCM Service of Worship for 09-08-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Tower Tidings: Fall 2024

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

Fall Kickoff Sunday!

There are so many reasons to come to worship this Sunday, but here are just a few:

PCM Service of Worship for 09-01-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 08-25-2024, led by Rev. Dr. Ellen Clark Clemot

PCM Committee Reorganization

The work of our committees is vital to our life together. This restructure happened after months of conversation and planning. And we're so proud of our elders and grateful for their faithful work in talking about and thinking about this reorganization.

Now's the time to sign up for the fall semester of Potluck Presbyterians! We gather in each other’s homes to rekindle old friendships and make new ones once a month over the course the semester.

PCM Service of Worship for 08-18-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Please be sure to worship with us on September 1 as we give thanks for and celebrate the music ministries of Sarah Michal and Ignacio Angulo-Pizarro!

After a brief but very intense search, the DMM Search Committee seeking a new Director of Music Ministries is pleased to introduce Jacob Montgomery, who will be joining us in September!

PCM Service of Worship for 08-011-2024, led by Rev. Luana Cook Scott

Change can be difficult, especially when the familiarity and comfort of our own experience may become different in order to better accommodate people we haven’t met yet.

PCM Service of Worship for 08-04-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

If you have the gift of hospitality and a willingness to serve, we’d be so grateful to have you join our Welcome Team.

PCM Service of Worship for 07-28-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

One surprising and joyful part of crafting these sermons each week is the opportunity to explore the places in pop culture where you, as members of the congregation, find the gospel message.

PCM's support is making a difference to the community, and to our commitment as a church to live out the words to “love one another.”

PCM Service of Worship for 07-21-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

See the photos from Morristown's 2024 Diversity Celebration!

PCM Service of Worship for 07-14-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Last week our youth group completed our annual RISE mission trip. Read about their experience during this wonderful volunteer opportunity!

PCM Service of Worship for 07-07-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Welcome to worship in comfort of South Street Hall.  Our first service there on June 30 was certainly refreshing and joyous! Did

PCM Service of Worship for 06-30-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 06-23-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 06-16-2024, led by Our High School Seniors

PCM Service of Worship for 06-09-2024, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

PCM Service of Worship for 06-02-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 05-26-2024, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

It is estimated that in Morris County, at least 26,000 people are facing food insecurity! There are many things contributing to this, from the high cost of housing to the high cost of food itself, particularly for those on limited incomes. What would Jesus insist we do if we are able?

PCM Service of Worship for 05-19-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 05-12-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

History of our church Part 5: The Reformation

PCM Service of Worship for 05-05-2024, led by Alexandra Mead

History of our church Part 4: The Christian Church in the Middle Ages

PCM Service of Worship for 04-28-2024, led by Rev. Ellen Clark Clemot

History of our church Part 3: The Early Christian Church

Yes, you read that right! A livestream of our 10:00 am worship service is available every week on the PCM website by

PCM Service of Worship for 04-14-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

An recap of our March session meeting.

An recap of our February session meeting.

An recap of our January session meeting.

History of our church Part 2: The Early Jesus Movement

History of our church Part 1: Palestine in the time of Jesus

PCM Service of Worship for 04-07-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for Easter - 03-31-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Tower Tidings: Easter 2024

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

PCM Service of Worship for 03-29-2024, Good Friday, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

PCM Service of Worship for 03-28-2024, Maundy Thursday, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

March 24, 2024 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 03-24-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 03-17-2024, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

March 17, 2024 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 03-10-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

March 3, 2024 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 03-03-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

February 25 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 02-25-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

The Presbytery of the Highlands of NJ and the Presbyterian Church in Morristown invite you to the Service of Installation of The Reverend Audrey Webber as Associate Pastor!

February 18 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 02-18-2024, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

Tower Tidings: Lent 2024

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

February 11 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 02-11-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

February 4 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 02-04-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

January 28 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 01-28-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 01-21-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

December 21 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

Now's the time to sign up for the fall semester of Potluck Presbyterians! We gather in each other’s homes to rekindle old friendships and make new ones once a month over the course the semester.

PCM Service of Worship for 01-14-2024, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

January 14 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 01-07-2024, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

The Magi followed the star to find baby Jesus. We are also looking for Jesus, and hoping for God to give us signs...

PCM Service of Worship for 12-31-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

See the photos from the popup Christmas Eve photobooth and download yours today!

Christmas Eve 8:00 Candlelight Service: December 24, 2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante.

PCM Service of Worship for 12-24-2023, with Children's Pageant, led by Rev. Audrey Webber.

PCM Service of Worship for 12-24-2023, led by Patrick Allred

While the holidays are often associated with joy, celebration, and togetherness, many of us experience a sense of loss, grief, or loneliness during this time. The Longest Night service honors these feelings, creating a space to acknowledge this season in our lives.

An overview of our recent special congregational meeting on December 10.

PCM Service of Worship for 12-17-2023, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

December 17 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

Tower Tidings: Advent 2023

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

An Update from Pastor Daniel

A special update from Pastor Daniel following the December 10 congregational meeting.

PCM Service of Worship for 12-10-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Adult Ed: Advent On Peace

December 10 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 12-03-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

December 3 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

Christmas Remembrances

Every year, from Advent to New Year's Day, we decorate the Chancel with poinsettias purchased from memorial donations designated for loved ones.

Christmas Day

Wait a minute!  This is a Christmas Day story? Where’s “O little town of Bethlehem?” The narrative attributed to John is not a story of...

I was born in the New York Presbyterian Hospital and raised on the banks of the Hudson River just west of the city in a New Jersey town aptly named West New York. Throughout my life...

The Third Sunday of Advent

Ever since my first job, I always feared making a mistake.  I feared getting written up, spoken to, or even fired from the job. 

The Second Sunday of Advent

The sacrament of baptism is how we are marked as God’s own. John the Baptist acted in fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah by baptizing individuals after they confessed their sins...

The First Sunday of Advent

The season of giving is upon us, there is conflict in the world, and the needs in our communities near and far are significant.

Watch the Replay: Good and funeral may not sound like they go together, but in this seminar (hosted by our Deacons) on funeral planning they most certainly do!

PCM Service of Worship for 11-26-2023, led by Rev. Dr. Cheni Khonje

November 25 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

An overview of our latest session meeting. See recent baptism, wedding, and presbytery information.

PCM Service of Worship for 11-19-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

November 19 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 11-12-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

November 12 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

Reading a Thanksgiving book with your children can help them (and you!) refocus on what truly matters at this time of year.

Recently, our very own Vern Verhoef was involved with an Oral History Project as part of an undergraduate class at Rutgers regarding the power of community organizing.

PCM Service of Worship for 11-05-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

November 5 Adult Education Session of Doughnuts and Theology.

PCM Service of Worship for 10-29-2023, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

October 29th Adult Education Session for the Community of Faith Voices Doughnuts and Theology.

The Parish House was not ready for the fun that Halloween Movie Night brought last Friday!

We wanted to make sure you were aware of some changes we are making to Sunday morning, beginning this Sunday, October 29. Read more.

An overview of our latest session meeting. See building and finance updates, as well as Book of Order changes.

Changes to the Book of Order

Read changes to the Book of Order determined at the most recent General Assembly.

PCM Service of Worship for 10-22-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

October 22nd Adult Education Session for the Community of Faith Voices Doughnuts and Theology.

There are many ways for PCM members to respond to humanitarian needs in Israel and Palestine. Learn more here.

The 2023 PW Pie Sale Is Here!

Back by popular demand, Circle 5 (of PCM's Presbyterian Women) will again be baking and selling Pumpkin and Apple pies! Order yours by November 19!

PCM Service of Worship for 10-15-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

October 15th Adult Education Session for the Community of Faith Voices Doughnuts and Theology.

Looking for all the ways to say connected to life at PCM? Look no further!

PCM Service of Worship for 10-08-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

October 8th Adult Education Session for the Community of Faith Voices Doughnuts and Theology.

It’s been 41 years since a group of wise and forward-thinking church members came together to form the Mutch Society.  Little did they then know how important its creation would become to the life of PCM.

PCM Service of Worship for 10-01-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 09-24-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 09-17-2023, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

On September 10, PCM hosted our Fall Kickoff - a Sunday gathering dedicated to celebrating our new program year!

Tower Tidings: Fall 2023

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

PCM Service of Worship for 09-10-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 09-03-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

​Have you always wanted to visit France but have been waiting for the right moment? Now is your chance! ​The Chancel Choir will be taking a performing tour of France in May 2024 and you're invited!

PCM Service of Worship for 08-27-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Beginning this fall, the music ministry will embark on some new and exciting ventures!  Director of Music, Matt Webb, and Director of

PCM Visual Arts Ministry

Are you passionate about the visual arts and faith?  Unleash your creativity while deepening your connection with God through our Visual Arts Ministry! 

This fall, we are piloting three new small groups which will meet for a period of six weeks and delve into the topic of being in community. These groups are open, and all are welcome to join a group!

PCM Service of Worship for 08-20-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

The best way to help from afar is to financially support trusted organizations, like PDA, who have the local contacts and the skills to provide the most help where it’s most needed.

PCM Service of Worship for 08-13-2023, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

We are excited to announce our third art gallery show at PCM!  For this show, we are calling all quilters to submit their quilting creations!

Now's the time to sign up for the fall semester of Potluck Presbyterians! We gather in each other’s homes to rekindle old friendships and make new ones once a month over the course the semester.

PCM Service of Worship for 08-06-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

On July 27, PCM and the Morristown Chapter of the DAR hosted a Gravestone Preservation Workshop led by expert preservationist Jonathan Appell of Atlas Preservation.

PCM Service of Worship for 07-30-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Our youth ministry had an incredible time on our RISE mission trip! We had three teams with fourteen students and six adult leaders working hard to make homes in Friendship, NY warmer, safer, and dryer!

PCM Service of Worship for 07-16-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

What an incredible day we had at the 2023 Morristown Diversity Celebration, coming together as a community to embrace the beauty of our differences and celebrate the bonds that unite us all here in Morristown, NJ!

A Note from Rev. Daniel

Greetings from Friendship, NY! I’m here with many others from PCM as part of this year’s Rise youth mission trip. Not only is it a beautiful place on God’s good earth, but it’s been amazing to work...

What an incredible week at Vacation Bible School - climbing Mount Everest! Check out the beautiful photos taken and slideshow created by our very own Bruce Frazier.

PCM Service of Worship for 07-9-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

PCM Service of Worship for 07-2-2023, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

PCM celebrated the Morris County Juneteenth Freedom Day on Saturday, June 17 in the PCM Chapel, where two local speakers discussed the history of Juneteenth and a panel of doctors from Atlantic Health discussed patient encounters. 

PCM Service of Worship for 06-25-2023, led by Rev. Audrey Webber

Our recent session meeting was filled with heartfelt discussions and decisions to navigate PCM's path forward, with a particular focus on congregation feedback from the recent Chapel Pilot.

PCM Service of Worship for 06-18-2023, led by Rev. Daniel Vigilante!

Love knows no boundaries, and everyone deserves to be celebrated and embraced for exactly who they are. Learn what pride means to our PCM family.

We are thrilled that our very own Director of Christian Education, Alexandra Mead, was recently honored by the Junior League of Morristown with the Sustaining Star Award!

PCM Service of Worship for 06-11-2023, led by our PCM Graduating Seniors!

As we conclude this pilot period, we'd love your feedback. Please complete any of the three-question surveys.

We are excited to announce our second art gallery show at PCM!  Whether you work in the mediums of paint, pen, pencil, photography, textile, or sculpture, we would be delighted for you to submit! 

Both the 8:00 am and 10:00 am worship services will be held in South Street Hall (Parish House - 65 South Street) beginning Sunday, July 2.

Thank you to everyone who attended the celebration on Memorial Day Weekend. See photos of the event!

PCM Service of Worship for 06-04-2023, led by Reverend Daniel Vigilante.

This summer, we are planning a sermon series called The Gospel According to _____. The idea is to fill in that blank with a different subject each week. It could be a singer, author, artist, movie, TV show, abstract concept, or any other creative possibility you can think of!

Get to know our latest PCM Volunteer Spotlight: Richard Schwartz! Read more about what inspires him to do the great work he does.

One of our partners, RAMP, is seeking a Vice President. If you or someone you know would be a good fit, please share!

The Morristown Community is having a gathering for prayer and witness Thursday evening, June 1, at Church of the Redeemer at 7:00 pm. All are welcome to attend this special event.

PCM Service of Worship for 05-28-2023, led by Reverend Daniel Vigilante.

We're excited to announce that we have recently been piloting a new feature for our Online Community to use during worship: Community Chat.

PCM Service of Worship for 05-21-2023, led by Reverend Audrey Webber and Dr. Matthew Webb, Director of Music.

Discover the latest highlights from our May PCM Session Meeting.

Help give back to the less fortunate in our community by serving 100 hot meals to-go to those in need at Table of Hope.

The celebration will include a tribute to Dr. Campfield, music from the NJ Fifes and Drums, and a Revolutionary War color guard.

PCM Service of Worship for 05-14-2023, led by The Reverend Daniel Vigilante.

PCM Service of Worship for 05-07-2023, led by PCM Confirmands and Patrick Allred.

Join our community of neighbors helping neighbors and donate non-perishable food items to the May Food Drive for the Interfaith Food Pantry Network now through May 21.

PCM Service of Worship for 04-30-2023, led by The Reverend Daniel Vigilante.

PCM Service of Worship for 04-23-2023, led by The Reverend Audrey Webber.

A delightful time was had by all! Once a week, the house members gather for a group dinner, to which members of the public are invited...

PCM Service of Worship for 04-16-2023, led by The Reverend Daniel Vigilante.

April 2023 Session Highlights from PCM.

We are so excited to launch our new PCM Volunteer Spotlight series - kicking off National Volunteer Month with France Delle Donne! Read more about what inspires her to do the great work she does!

Help give back to the less fortunate in our community by serving 100 hot meals to-go to those in need at Table of Hope.

PCM Service of Worship for 04-09-2023, led by The Reverend Daniel Vigilante.

PCM Service of Worship for 04-06-2023, led by The Reverend Daniel Vigilante.

In just one volunteer shift of two hours, you can help with feeding hundreds of people within our community by sorting food, filling...

Refugee Assistance Morris Partners (RAMP) is a local organization composed of volunteers committed to helping refugees adapt to this country.

We are so excited to have our first ever art show here at PCM!  Thanks to our PCM artists, we have a show of...

PCM Service of Worship for 04-02-2023, led by The Reverend Daniel Vigilante.

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

Just after Easter, we will begin our pilot period of moving our Sunday morning programs to Church on the Green.

PCM Service of Worship for 03-26-2023, led by The Reverend Daniel Vigilante.

A wonderful celebration of the work that New Jersey Together and Hudson County Public Officials have accomplished was held on Wednesday, March 15, in Jersey City.

March 2023 Session Highlights from PCM.

Our ROGs will be joining forces with the Walsh Memorial Handbell Choir for a UK music tour! We would love your support!

Volunteering on April 4 includes boxing dinners, greeting and handing dinners to guests, helping to store leftover food, and cleaning up!

Join New Jersey Together on Wednesday, March 15 at 3:00 pm to celebrate a victory and call for further action!

The DCMC is looking for volunteers to help prepare food at the PCM kitchen and/or serve food for the 2023 Diversity Celebration Day!

You are invited to send Easter/Passover cards to our friends at Spring Hills, Morristown!

We are excited to announce our first art gallery show at PCM this coming Easter!  We are calling for works of art inspired by our Lenten Devotional theme: making all things new.

The Table of Hope Outdoor Food Pantry relies on volunteers like you to help provide food to those facing hunger.

Tower Tidings: Lent 2023

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

One Great Hour of Sharing

Around the world, millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) provides...

For decades Presbyterian Women has sponsored Mother’s Day Blanket Sunday, as a way to honor our mothers ...

Did you ever wonder how a fresh Friendship Pad is ready for you on a Sunday morning?  They are restocked by volunteers like you!

February 2023 Session Highlights from PCM.

January 2023 Session Highlights from PCM.

A Prayer for Syria and Turkey

As we bear witness to the devastating news in the aftermath of the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, here are some ways that we can help.

Learn how we can help an Afghan family new to our area adapt to life in New Jersey.

The Table of Hope Outdoor Food Pantry relies on volunteers like you to help provide food to those facing hunger.

Duties include boxing dinners, greeting and handing dinners to guests. No experience is needed, everyone is welcome!

How to Login to Breeze

Click here for directions on how to access Breeze for the first time!

Adding a profile photo to your Breeze profile is a quick, simple task that makes it easier for others to recognize you at Sunday Worship!

What Is Breeze?

This is your member-to-member directory, donation portal, financial tracking system, and more!

Explore a new, 12 week study group that will be reading and working through the book, Developing Inner Strength.

How invaluable is spirituality to a child's mental and physical health? We find out from Dr. Lisa Miller on February 16! Register today!

The Magi followed the star to find baby Jesus. We are also looking for Jesus, and hoping for God to give us signs...

A rewarding experience at the Table of Hope Food Pantry on January 12 from 12:15 to 2:15 pm. No experience is needed!

Inmate Charlie B. says: "I was pleasantly surprised the other day to receive a Christmas Bag!"

Operation Love Thanks You!

With your support, we were able to help 122 families and 90 seniors for a total of 212 recipients. We could not have done this without your help!

Christmas: A Home in Our Heart

As is the case with most people, I have lived in a number of different houses and apartments. I believe my count at this point...

December 2022 Session Highlights from PCM.

Advent: Memories

“God is with us.” This line from Matthew 1 is the essence of what coming home for Christmas meant to me during my college years...

Christmas Services 2022

We hope you’ll join us at one of our upcoming Christmas services. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

Christmas Joy Offering 2022

Samual Polanco is no stranger to the power of walls. The 2022 graduate of the Menaul School has known and seen walls, both literal...

Advent: Home Away from Home

How many times have your holiday plans been interrupted by unexpected travel delays? These unforeseen circumstances take us away...

Join our team of PCM volunteers to help feed our neighbors in need!

“Prepare ye the way of the Lord” is a text that I knew from the Scriptures as a child growing up in the Baptist tradition...

Tower Tidings: Advent 2022

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

Week One: You are invited to journey through a weekly Advent devotional series created for our whole church family.

The Outreach Committee invites you to offer comfort to those in prison this holiday season.

Make an Impact This Season! Four volunteers are needed on Wed, December 7 No experience is needed, everyone is welcome!

Bring Christmas cheer to Morris County families and senior citizens and help them celebrate Christmas with food and gifts!

October 2022 Session Highlights from PCM.

2022 Pie Sale

Back by popular demand, Presbyterian Church Circle 5 will again be baking and selling apple and pumpkin pies! Place your order today!

The food pantry is as busy as it's ever been! Join other PCM members to help provide food to families on November 10.

Thousands of families rely on the Interfaith Food Pantry Network for food and to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with a meal. Here's how you can help!

Four volunteers are needed on: Wednesday, November 2 at the Bethel Church in Morristown. No experience is needed, everyone is welcome!

The Caregivers Group

Through group discussion, Caregivers provide positive support and ideas/strategies for care of their loved ones. 

New Grief Support Group

Together, we will explore what it means to live with grief and try to understand more deeply what Christianity has to say about coping...

The Presbyterian Church Nursery School (PCNS) is excited to offer the following free classes during the Fall Semester!

Join Us Online October 16!

If you are part of our online community, we'd love to meet you!

In just one volunteer shift of two hours, you can help with feeding hundreds of people within our community...

Michele Oswald, Program Director, from Table of Hope says, “We are so grateful for the support and donations from PCM!

Our youth ministry has been hard at work this past month decorating and filling goodie bags for the Market Street Mission coat drive...

Please consider dropping off candy or other treats to hand out from the Parish House parking lot on Halloween for Morristown's Trunk-or-Treat!

Tower Tidings: October 2022

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

Billy Keyserling, widely recognized for his collaborative efforts to educate and mobilize community action for the common good, will address...

College Student Care Packages

Have a child in college? The Youth and Young Adult Committee will be sending care packages to your college students soon!

All-Church Dinner Returns!

All-Church Dinner Returns! Join us for our all-church dinners, every Wednesday at 6:00 pm!  All are welcome, whether you are hoping to connect

Join the PCM Welcome Team!

Now that more people are attending in-person worship, there is a great opportunity for more volunteers on The Welcome Team...

In recognition of Terry and his dedication and service as a Stephen Minister, the Stephen Ministry recently dedicated a bookshelf for the Library in his honor...

Please help by donating new or gently used winter coats for adults and children from October 2 - 23...

Tenebrae Coming to Morristown

Renown UK classical choir, Tenebrae, is planning a special performance at The Church on the Green...

2022 PCNS Mum Sale

Add some beautiful fall colors to your garden! Mums will be available to purchase until Friday, September 30th...

Fall Kick Off at PCM

What a joyous day! See some of the photos of the fun and fellowship as we celebrated together on Sunday...

Tower Tidings: September 2022

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

A Gathering for Youth Ministry

Youth leaders and supporters from the Presbytery of the Highlands met this past Sunday at Camp Johnsonburg to dream about new ways...

Many PCM members volunteer at Table of Hope to serve meals or help at their Morristown food pantry...

It is with great joy to say that we are bringing back adult education in full force this fall!

Fall children's programs begin on September 11th with Sunday School and September 14th with our Wednesday MidWeek program!

All events for Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers will take place on Sundays at the Parish House!

I am so grateful to have been your pastor these 19 months. Thank you for trusting me with your hearts and your lives...

As part of the training, our Metro IAF group participated in a community action meeting with 1,500 other faith and community leaders at the...

On June 26, the congregation voted to approve Rev. Daniel Vigilante as our new Senior Pastor and Head of Staff. We look forward to...

Audrey is passionate about pastoral care and hospitality and is on a mission to use creative ways to connect with our loving God and one another...

Discover the latest news, announcements and events happening at PCM...

May 2022 Session Highlights from PCM.

April 2022 Session Highlights from PCM.

February 2022 Session Highlights from PCM.

Changes in Register: The Session and Board of Deacons had a joint meeting online on Saturday, January 29, 2022: ~ Each year

Archived Announcements

View older announcements here!